Empathetic Legal Guidance For Service Members In Every Status And Every Service Branch
An Experienced Attorney Serving U.S. Service Members And Veterans Worldwide
Two Decades Of Experience Representing Service Members And Veterans
Here’s why: Most likely, your case will end up before the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) – the highest level of administrative appeal for military personnel matters. Each service has such a board and each board has broad statutory authority to correct “errors or injustices” in your records. BCMR decisions are subject to judicial review in federal court and are largely controlled by federal court case law. In many instances, success at the BCMR level hinges on how well your lawyer understands and leverages federal precedent.

Get The Personal Attention You Deserve. Call Today.
My office is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but my clients are located throughout the United States and beyond. In most instances, I am able to represent clients situated all over the world. If you are anywhere stateside or overseas, do not hesitate to call 202-990-1388 or send me an email.
Client Testimonials
“Brian Schenk is the consummate professional. As an attorney myself, I know I needed professional and knowledgeable representation for my Officer Grade Determination (OGD) case which had been remanded by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to the Board of Corrections of Military Records (BCMR). Brian became my champion both with the BCMR and with the Court of Federal Claims.”